Strategy-Based Games with Rewards

Strategy-Based Games with Rewards

The Harvard Business Review penned an op-ed titled, ‘Games Can Make you a Better Strategist.’ The authors, Martin Reeves and Georg Wittenburg extolled the virtues of gamification as it related to work matters. They examined various topics, notably next-gen strategy apps applicable to businesses. The overarching benefit of gaming vis-a-vis the strategic component, as opposed to books and other theoretical constructs, is the interactive nature of gaming. Gaming is hands-on.

This makes gaming strategy practical well beyond the gaming realm. Among others, games provide cost-effective, real-time communication feedback. They allow management to engage with creativity through interactivity. Importantly, gaming strategy permits a structured analysis of executive-level behavior. There are definite rewards with strategy-based games for players and corporate-level executives alike. From a purely gaming point of view, players derive considerable appreciation from being rewarded for a job well done.

As a player, strategy-based games confer myriad benefits.

For one thing, gaming activity permits an array of tactical and strategic approaches for different scenarios. Players can test what works and adopt the appropriate strategies for each situation. Rewards are multifold and encompass financial and non-financial elements. Foremost among them is the experience of participating in captivating, interactive gameplay.

A New Strategy-Based Gaming Paradigm: Cash Rewards for Skilled Players

But, there is now an increasing move toward monetary-based rewards for strategy-based games. For example, Price of Glory is a strategy-based game that offers real cash rewards to highly skilled players. This groundbreaking concept facilitates 2D, turn-based mobile strategy games with competitive tournaments and the chance to win real money. The house ranking system comprises several tiered levels, notably Dynasty, House, Noble House, and Great House. As players participate in H2H (Head-to-Head) skirmishes and battles, opportunities present for authentic cash rewards.

The psychology behind game reward systems spans volumes of research, data, and analysis. The gaming community appreciates reward systems that provide players with these valuable incentives. While in-game virtual rewards routinely present players with skills, attributes, resources, virtual coins, and other notable rewards, the cash reward system genuinely resonates with a rapidly growing contingent of players. According to, gaming rewards aim to incentivize gameplay, retain a loyal and growing following, and present a new dimension to the gaming arena.

When players succeed at various game levels, the gaming reward systems provide the enticement to keep going. These motivating factors bolster engagement. Whether intrinsic or extrinsic rewards, game reward systems provide the validation players inherently crave when embarking on a new gaming adventure. Naturally, various types of game reward systems exist. The achievement system is one such option. Whenever players accomplish specific objectives, the game construct rewards them accordingly. Whether it's about defeating a big boss or winning epic battles, such strategic goals are worthy of applause.

Many such strategy-based games abound, with some providing players with incredibly challenging gameplay. Games like Dark Souls offer in-game rewards such as items or weapons that are naturally difficult to acquire during the game. However, studies suggest that a new strategy-based gaming paradigm – cash rewards for skilled players- resonates much more profoundly with players. The objective is always to encourage player progression through the game by greasing the proverbial wheels. Game rewards for attaining specific milestones or completing tasks are sacrosanct.

Cash Rewards are Fast Gaining Ground

Games relying solely on strategic acumen are a rarity. This is especially true where Lady Luck plays no part. Critical thinking skills warrant just rewards for players intent on maneuvering heroes toward goal attainment. A combination of tactical and strategic play, not randomized drops, allows players to succeed. As such, players must navigate through deceptively complex layers of gameplay. These are especially difficult to master but overwhelmingly rewarding once achieved. Following the example above, Price of Glory features Salt Tournaments with salt crystal rewards, as well as Cash Tournaments with real cash prizes.

Available to players at the Google Play Store, this recently released mobile gaming app delivers pulse-pounding play, tactical and strategic decision-making prowess, and a multilayered reward system. Players are flocking to strategy-based games in their droves. These thinking games promote skill development and learning, reinforce positive behaviors, and facilitate an arena of attainment. While many game rewards are currently available, analysis shows that cash rewards are meaningful motivators for players. Not only do they develop skills and abilities, but they also train the brain.

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