How the development of AI contributes to safer gambling online

AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence, is currently making strides in many different sectors of commerce. Technology is ever-developing, and people are using more and more use cases for this rather new creation. It was the very first public model of ChatGPT being released that finally made this invention more well-known to the public at large.

Among several other industries, the gambling industry, too, has chosen to implement AI to enhance its user experiences. In this article, we take a look at how this industry in particular is using AI and how AI can be used to contribute to safer gambling online.

Gambling addiction is a huge problem in the industry

Online gambling has become extremely lucrative for the hundreds of online casinos currently in existence. With games designed to enrich both the lucky few as well as the developers themselves, this is easily one of the highest-margin industries in the world. When customers join online casinos to gamble, they tend to fully acknowledge that the odds may not be on their side. Even so, the allure of winning more than what you put in is enough to get millions of people to take a chance.

With so many people flocking to online casino gambling worldwide, games also reach several people who are particularly susceptible to the addictive nature of gambling. Because of this, many people end up losing more than they can afford to lose, which is both devastating to individuals and a black stain on the industry as a whole.

Thankfully, with the help of AI, some of the impacts of problem gambling can be mitigated. Reputable casinos listed at are licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. MGA casinos are known to be completely safe for customers.

AI helps detect problematic gambling patterns

Problem gambling is not always easy to recognize. While often characterized as spending more money than you can afford, the online casinos themselves cannot really know how much a single customer can afford. In the same token, over the years, some online casinos have been held responsible for allowing their players to lose thousands upon thousands of euros in a short time span without any interference from online casino staff. In other words, it is still possible to find certain telltale signs of someone being gripped by gambling patterns that can easily be recognized as at least somewhat problematic.

With the help of AI, such patterns can be more easily detected and addressed automatically without the need of online casino staff to patronize their customers for playing their games. For instance, an AI can monitor players’ spending habits and speed of losing as well as when players are losing the most. One cause for concern could be a player suddenly making several increasingly valuable deposits in a row, seemingly chasing losses, which is yet another warning sign of what could be labeled as addictive gambling.

With the help of AI, the casino staff can more easily reach out to their customers or, perhaps in the future, force a timeout in order to put an end to what seems like a careless gambling binge. In doing so, a casino can help save the person’s financial situation and help the player think twice before making potentially big mistakes.

AI could be dangerous in the hands of bad actors

While using AI to protect players can undoubtedly be very helpful, there are also ways in which it could be used for something more sinister. After detecting problematic gambling patterns, an unscrupulous online casino might keep sending its player extra bonus offers in order to incentivize them to play more. Instead of helping their players to get back on their feet, such bad actors could help dig their holes even deeper.


As is the case with most of the other industries out there, AI becoming a more important part of the online casino industry is inevitable. Gambling-minded customers should make sure to keep playing at online casinos that they can trust while steering clear of brands with lower-quality licenses and less reputable companies behind them.

The best casinos will become even better and even safer than they have been. The worst casinos, on the other hand, will keep getting worse and less secure.

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