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Games 2017


Katu Bryda
Source 5.37KB

You woke up in the middle of the night, but are you really awake? Lay the pieces and you will find the way. Grab the orange cursor and animate objects. Search for red ball ..


I enjoyed exploring the scene for the hidden objects. It was nice having multiple levels and exploring the interactions. I especially enjoyed the look of the last level.

Ada Rose CannonAda Rose CannonExpert AdaRoseCannon AdaRoseCannon ada.is

Point and click game based on geometric shapes. Confusing mechanics.

Diego MarcosDiego MarcosExpert dmarcos

Interesting puzzle game, though I feel like a lot of what I was doing was trial and error as opposed to understanding what is going on.

Jupiter HadleyJupiter HadleyExpert Jupiter-hadley Jupiter_Hadley jupiterhadley.com
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