qress sqace

This game works only in Google Chrome because I use Audio time to control animation (nobody should ever do that), sorry.

The game doesn't scale on height. Canvas size is 1000px. If you play this on laptop, use at least Chrome in full screen. You should be able to see a white bar in the bottom.

This is a very simple game inspired by three other games I like: Tyrian, ZType and Taiko no Tatsujin.

As you press a key, music start playing and you need to hit the notes. To hit a note, you press a corresponding key of the note and have your "spaceship" in the right slot.

Letters are generated on page load so as the music repeats, you can memorize the letters better.

The green bars are useless, ignore them. So is the name. The first idea was a bit different. I didn't have much time for this project and the result code is a mess. But I learned something so that is going good for me. No library was used to make this game and that was definitely a mistake :D I will take a look for some good libraries for next year.

So the goal is to hit all the notes! :) Good luck.

Checkout out github for more info: https://github.com/nesro/js13k-2021-press-space