(c) Version ā€“ Main Server Framework - SECURITY LEVEL 2

214.115.865.22:/pacific ocean federal police main database
214.635.891.22:/firewall activated

:/police activated

115.696.251.31:/reroute to super server security
115.696.251.31:/improve server latency
115.696.251.31:/close secondary tasks $_

:/security close

032.588.69243:/login info required for access
032.588.692.43:/activate password combo possibilities
032.588.692.43:/include special characters $_%_&_!_@_*
032.588.692.43:/return all username logs from server

:/special username

122.322.996.44:/Critical ERROR
122.322.996.44:/estimated breach time 3h 2m 42s
122.322.996.44:/initiate server reboot
122.322.996.44:/search for specific file by secret character ā€œSā€

:/breach file

034.365.985.65:/file found ---- code: 128.653.487
034.365.985.65:/event type and threat level: public ā€“ level 2
034.365.985.65:/event name: unknown creature
034.365.985.65:/open event document (extension .file) and display all available data
034.365.985.65:/clear logs/
034.365.985.65:/_ipconfig reset and trace steps

:/creature steps
/ymNNh+ +mMMMMMMMd` .:smMMMMMMMMMMd -:////omMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs .+NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN/ -hNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs `hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM- `dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNs+ `dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm` hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN. dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMy sMMMMMMMm:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN- :MMMMMMMMy:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm/` hMMMMMMMN/:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmo. NMMMMMMh: `MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmo` :MMMMMMo` .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN+dmNMMMMMMm+` sMMMMMd yMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN: `.-/ymMMMMMm+` `NMMMMMN/ dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh/` .+mMMMMMd- .MMMMMNdN- .yNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMh- :MMmNMMN+ sMMMMo`y- +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo` sd`-sMMN :ymNNy+` `NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd- . /MNs `.---` sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNs. +/- .NMMMMMMMMNmMMMMMMMMMm+ `oMMMMMMMMo.:ymMMMMMMMM+ ./shmNMMMMMMMM: `sMMMMMMMm `sNMMMMMMMMMMMMy .MMMMMMMM- `dMMMMMMMMMMMNd/ NMMMMMMMo -dMMMMMMMMMMNs- mMMMMMMMd `-yMMMMMMMMMNh/` hMMMMMMMM` .odMMMMMMMMMd+. .mMMMMMMM/ -dMMMMMMMMMmo- `yMMMMMMy--`` `` mMMMMMMMMMh` +MMMMMMMMmmdhdNm sNMMMMMMMMMNho- .MMMMMMMMMMMMMN: .-/+smMMMMMMMm. mMMMMMMMMMMNh: .:///-:/` .hNNmh+:::-` Forensic & Expert Evidence about Bigfoot In North American folklore, Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. Over the years, these creatures have inspired numerous commercial ventures and hoaxes. There may not be actual giant bipedal humanoids wandering the wilderness, but that hasn't stopped Bigfoot fanatics from coming up with some seriously weird theories explaining all those footprints and blurry videos. Theory One: Sasquatch is an alien creature. At some point, researchers started noticing that Bigfoot sightings often seemed to be accompanied by strange lights in the sky. The conclusion: Bigfoot is so hard to find because he arrives on his spaceship, makes some footprints, then flies back home. There's more to it than just a vague statistical connection, though. Sometimes Bigfoot seems to be under the control of some other species of alien. Theory Two: Bigfoot represents a lost species of hominid. On the surface, this theory doesn't seem that crazy. The deep forests and remote mountains of the world could hide a few evolutionary offshoots. It's a lot harder to hide a sustainable population, though. Within a single habitat, any population below about 500 would be considered severely endangered. Hoaxes Both Bigfoot believers and non-believers agree that many of the reported sightings are hoaxes or misidentified animals. Author Jerome Clark argues that the Jacko Affair was a hoax, involving an 1884 newspaper report of an apelike creature captured in British Columbia. He cites research by John Green, who found that several contemporaneous British Columbia newspapers regarded the alleged capture as highly dubious, and notes that the Mainland Guardian of New Westminster, British Columbia wrote, "Absurdity is written on the face of it." Copy files on your HDD and clear logs. Then type the hidden message from the article to move onto the next stage.

▶ ▶ ▶ One Last Thing ◀ ◀ ◀

External Ip Address

Internal Ip Address

Copy files !
Clear Logs !

:/files copied succesfully...

:/logs cleared successfully...

:/Error console..
