Jump on the platforms to go as high as you can, take rockets to move up faster, and avoid touching the comets.
Use right/left arrows to move sideways, up arrow to jump, and down arrow to fall.
On mobile, use the on-screen buttons.
Coil members get an extra game mode, accessible via the menu ("ROCKETS!!!" button).
If you sign in on NEAR, you will be able see the global ranking, and get your scores published on it.
Categories: desktop, mobile, web monetization, decentralizedFeedback from the experts
Sasha Hudzilin: really liked the gameplay, one of the best ones :) clever use of decentralized tech (global ranking), but for some reason didn't find "login with NEAR" button great job overall!
Ania Kubów: A great space themed take on the classic doodle-jump! I was very impressed with the graphics - not only for the execution, but also how much thought was put into conveying what elements did/how they reacted through design.
Nathan Lie: Excellent platformer with solid controls and engaging high-score chasing challenge. I like that the Web Monetization bonus for this game really feels like a "bonus" - it's fun, feels separate enough from the main game that not having it doesn't adversely affect the experience, and having it is amusing and fun!
Ewa Mazur: It's cool that you put info for non-subscribers that they can sign in (button sign in), it's a pity that it's sign in only for Near, and there is no such thing for the Coil as well. I really like the use of the phrase "Coil exlusive" on the rocets button - it immediately feels like a reward. The level rocets themselves are fun. The game is also fun, thanks to its dynamics. I like the use of multiple platforms. It's a bit hard to play on FF, which took away half the fun, I would add more juiceness and it would be perfect. But a very fun game.
Michelle Mannering: - home screen is epic! Great graphics, logo is cool, Among Us style space man is cute - buttons are big, easy to read - good to be able to choose to have audio or not - be good to see this on the full version of near and also what other kind of NFT things you can do with it - platform/side scroller, so should have the mouse invisible in-game. Love the fact the mouse is a custom design - super intuitive controls and gameplay
Tim Sulmone: - Good use of NEAR for leaderboards - Fun and Challenging - Smooth fluid gameplay
Vlad Grichina: Well done game with basic NEAR integration.
Johnny Matthews: This game is fun, and quite well thought out! I really liked the menu - strangely enough. It gave the impression that the developer was hoping to expand on this game a bit more. Linking up the highscores to NEAR is a pretty standard solution for the protocol, but nice to see nonetheless.
Ryan Baumann: Getting into the top 3 scores was exciting, very fun use of a decentralised highscore system. I wish randomness was tied to drand. Could share the seed with the user upon completion, would be so cool :) (and verifiable!). It was very easy to attach my Near wallet to the game. I wish there was screen-wrapping as the moving platforms move quite slowly :).
Paul Gadi: Fun gameplay, gets more fun as the game goes on
Dietrich Ayala: Sweet design - so simple and clean. sounds were great, would love a little beat going to amp things up. the login and global leaderboard with Near was rad. publishing to IPFS would be have been rad to totally decentralize it. gameplay was smooth and implemented really well, great job.