HTML5 and JavaScript Game Development Competition in just 13 kB


Playback is an ordered platformer game.
Press the playback button to see (and hear) how the level must be played, and play it back.
Keyboard and gamepads are supported.
The freeplay mode lets you play some music with your keyboard. Some song examples (QWERTY) are included. Feel free to share your own !
-Press Space, Triangle or Y for level playback
-You can stick to walls

Categories: desktop

Feedback from the experts

Christer Kaitila: A very charming game! Love the idea to follow along with the music, and the graphics are great, cure and colourful. I found wall jumping ultra difficult, it just wasn't the way I'm used to in other games, I almost never succeeded in a back-and-forth double wall jump. Sadly I missed out in later levels due to my lack of skill. But I really enjoyed what I saw and wanted to play them all! Awesome job.

Anonymous: Great Job - Lovable art and character - Very smooth game play Suggestions - User could benefit from a tutorial / objective took me a while to find out

Jupiter Hadley: Lovely graphics and sounds! I found wall jumping really challenging though.
