# The Game
A Tic-Tac-Toe with a replace rule, where a massive body can replace any other with less mass. To be played in decentralized fashion.
# Why is Unfinished
I try to implement this game in one day after I have finished my first entry (SpacePinball). However, I could not discover what was wrong with my contract implementation, as I'm new to NEAR or any Blockchain implementation. Another problem is to rewrite to import libs from NEAR service. The boilerplate includes all dependencies in the build, so, this is big.
At least you can see beautiful CSS only stellar bodies.
Categories: decentralized, unfinishedFeedback from the experts
Sasha Hudzilin: would be a cool game for Tic-Tac-Toe mechanics wish we helped you / unblocked you on NEAR on time :/
Ryan Baumann: Unfortunately unfinished so difficult to review. I can't seem to get the game to play at all.
Michelle Mannering: - nice job - can't wait to see the final product - the graphics and CSS is really cool - love the green and red - interaction is nice too
Vlad Grichina: Very interesting project, but unfortunately unfinished.
Johnny Matthews: I wasn't able to get the game running unfortunately. The docs suggest that I needed to install everything with Node v12 or higher, but it seems that this repo needs a very specific version of Node unfortunately. The smart contract itself is fairly simple, but I can see the intention! Blockchain is hard - and it's even harder when you get stuck and there's no simple solution. Good attempt!
Dietrich Ayala: Nice looking design and I love the idea! Should definitely share your experience with the Near team so they know the challenges you hit!