Line of Fire is a realtime battle arena, inspired by Scorched Earth.
You have two minutes to capture eight beacons or destroy your opponents.
Extra ammo is delivered by air, watch out for crates as AI players will try to collect them too.
You start with an expendable observation drone, press Space to launch and again to switch the view between tank and drone.
Control the turret with the mouse or the VR device orientation.
Shoot with LMB or VR device trigger.
Change ammo with RMB or VR device main button.
Control the tank with WASD/ZQSD or VR device pad or stick.
Remember, only 2 minutes and the AI players make a run for beacons, all while shooting.
Categories: webxrFeedback from the judges
Josh Marinacci: I couldn't get it to play in VR but it was reasonably fun on desktop. You should consider polishing this up into a real game.
Sébastien Vandenberghe: I like the idea of the arena and the game mechanics. The game would have benefit a lot from more fancy graphics (maybe a simple grid or low poly toon shaded colors)