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Games 2023

Jurassic Nursery

Arthur Brongniart
Desktop, Mobile
Source 12.98KB

Pet and feed adorable triceratops.

If you feed them well they might reproduce. Would you be able to breed a golden one ?


  • drag and drop fruits and triceratops
  • two fingers to move the camera on mobile
  • left/center button to move the camera on desktop


Well, don't looks like 13th century

MefistofelMefistofel mefist0fel Polar0cean

Technically this 3D game is very impressive! However, I do not get the connection to the theme, as I am pretty sure dinosaurs were already extinct in the 13th century :). From a gameplay point of view it gets a bit monotonous after a while. It might be still a good gameplay experience when you are looking for a very chill game. Congratulations to this beatufil looking game!

StiggstoggStiggstogg Stiggstogg Stiggstogg

The technology is cool as all hell, and I enjoyed the postmortem very much. This game is why there's the "Innovation" category in the voting app :)

Mark VasilkovMark Vasilkov mvasilkov mvasilkov mvasilkov.animuchan.net

So you decided to do 3D, very impressive. Nice concept.

A menu system would be nice to have.

Frahaan HussainFrahaan HussainExpert SonarSystems SonarSystems sonarsystems.co.uk

the deisgn, animations and idea are really cool. I read your write up which helped me understand that I had to feed them three times and then breed.

the baby dinos are very cute.

This is clever implementation but not sure dinos were knocking about in the 13th century?!

Ryan TylerRyan Tyler tyler6699 carelesslabs.co.uk

It plays kind of like a dinosaur Tamagotchi. You view a 3D playfield where a variety of dinosaurs roam around and can drag various types of fruit in for them to eat. Certain colors only like certain fruits, but the happier they get, the more chance there is of them breeding and you getting a new stripy dinosaur.

Technically, very impressive, but it feels wasted in this challenge as it has utterly nothing to do with the theme, sadly.

Richard DaveyRichard DaveyExpert photonstorm photonstorm photonstorm.com

Great look at building something in 3D, but sadly not up to the theme that was given. Try harder to work on the theme. Will help you to gain a lot more quality criticism and more interest from the judges and the community.

Luke StapleyLuke StapleyExpert CocosLuke GameAddict cocos.com

I have no idea what is the goal and the relationship with the theme :)

However I love the tech behind this interactive toy: the models, the rendering (shadows, picking) ... it's super cool! I just wish there was something to do other than finding which food likes each animal and making them breed.

Almar SuarezAlmar Suarez wololoa repunkgame

the 3d is cool but would rather have it some other way as fun did not last much

Mohammad JawadMohammad Jawad mhmdjawad pdemia.com
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