Destroy all the castles with a cannonball in the fewest number of shots! Use the mouse to aim and click to shoot. Once you're moving, hold down the mouse to turn the ball back into a cannon, and release to shoot again.
The game is pretty short, but you can try and go back and birdie every hole if you get to the end and are looking for a more difficult challenge.
What a crazy idea for a game. But damn fun! It takes a little while before you get good ar reusing the cannon after the first shot, but once you get good at it you can do some pretty cool things. Well done.
I really enjoyed this one, I completed all the levels. The slow-motion trick is nice!
Very impressed with this game! From a coding perspective, but also game play perspective. I am always impressed when the physics of throw are implemented well. This game was a very unique twist on golf that takes you on a visual journey I have not experienced before - in terms of following the ball. I would love to see this game developed for the professional market. Well done!
Fun game with really nice graphics! I like that the camera is following the cannon ball so closely! Very nice take for a golf game!
Awesome game!! Kinda felt like mini golf mixed with Neon White, but with cannons! The simple graphics worked great, and the physics were on point. The castle hitboxes felt tiny, but I still managed to birdie most of the holes. Really well done!
It's ok, it is fun, but you could have polished it more. I think.
Looks like a reskinned golf, but interesting game) Pretty impressive implementation with 3d and physics. Gameplay is a little weird, but fun.
Great graphics, the 3d levels worked well.
The game was fun to play, and at first I didn't realise I could stop the ball mid-motion to switch back to a cannon - which actually really helped to play.
Gave me a monkeyball vibe.
Very good! The 3D gaphics, physics and controls are impressive. The progressive increase of the difficulty - with a new challenge for each level - is very well done.
Simple concept but really well done.
This game is pure mastery, in terms of graphics, ambiance, and challenge. Impressive for this size
Very interesting. It is a pretty engaging game. I can see people spending a good amount of time playing. Good controls and great physics and mechanics.
On the other hand, I don't feel the time is quite right. The hints are a bit unclear, I think (but this could be a preference).
Great job!
A pleasant and challenging puzzle game. Really well done in terms of gameplay, graphics, controls and audio.
Some of the levels are devious! Very enjoyable puzzle game.
The game is fun, but doesn't really fit the theme, as 13th century artillery wasn't strong enough to penetrate castle walls.
I had a lot of fun playing this. A+ gameplay and controls, really easy to get the ball going where you want it to and move its trajectory with consecutive shots.
The physics are amazing, and I really love the concept. I have definitely not played this game before! When you slow down in mid air and nail another shot it feels amazing!
I do feel it's maybe a little too hard. Maybe have slightly bigger castles to aim for? Or maybe it's just a level layout balance. I'd also like either a movable camera so I can see the level ahead of me, or the ability to look straight down the cannons, or both. Sometimes lining up a shot, even with the little aim helper can be hard, especially if the castle is somewhere I can't see.
But still had fun with it. I'd love to learn how you did the physics. If you do a post mortem or any tutorials or articles on it I'd love to see it!
Thanks! Maybe I'll make a markdown file in the repo that explains how everything works. Wouldn't be too much extra effort, and I enjoyed reading yours and others' post mortems, so I should contribute one.