Destroy your enemy, leaving behind a random weapon with 1 health for your arsenal. You will not know what weapon your enemy has left behind until it's in a weapon slot. If you have no open weapon slots, you will be asked to replace one of your current weapons. Choose wisely or leave your new weapon behind.
Declare peace with your enemy. Leaving them alone to move on. Doing so will allow some of their popluation to defect over to your planet. The more people you have, the better your regeneration rates and ability to allocate people to different resources.
Leave your planet, weapons, and people behind. Nothing from your old planet will come along except yourself. You will takeover your enemies planet in it's entirety as your own. Beware, you will only have half life to begin since you just decimated this new planet.
You have no open weapon slots. Choose an existing weapon in your weapon menu to replace or exit the weapon menu to resume without replacing a weapon.
Planet Destroyed
The universe has changed. Galaxies have died, suns have exploded. Our sun is the last one standing.
Battleship Earth Simulator
Created By @Xanmia for JS13KGames 2014
Big thanks to Xanian7 for ideas and Jack Rugile for code reference/inspiration