HTML5 and JavaScript Game Development Competition in just 13 kB

Not Found

"Not Found" is a game about T-999 robot, the premier internal mainframe repair-o-bot of 1987. Unfortunately, it's 2020 and the T-999 has been superseded by many, many of its successors. Even still, our diligent little bot continues to maintain it's mainframe until one day, everything starts to go wrong. Sectors are becoming corrupted, data is vanishing, and fidget spinners are no longer spinning.

The only way for our T-999 to survive is to escape the mainframe. Our goal is to help the T-999 reconstruct sectors and provide it a path to safety.


Controls are covered in the tutorial, but:
- Arrow keys or WASD to move the placement indicator
- Space bar to place a tile
- Enter/Return to start the bot early
- All buttons should be accessible via Tab key, so the game can be played without a mouse or trackpad

Categories: desktop

Feedback from the experts

Jupiter Hadley: What a fun little game! I really enjoyed this puzzle.

Ale Bles: An all-round well executed and complete game. Nice theme tie-in with the game and a lovely clean code.
